
AMT and NAM Announce Partnership to Promote Manufacturing

Doug Woods has been promoting AMT’s Manufacturing Mandate, a detailed plan to rebuild the U.S. manufacturing base.


Leaders-In background

Doug Woods has been promoting AMT’s Manufacturing Mandate, a detailed plan to rebuild the U.S. manufacturing base.

AMT – is joining forces with the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) to promote the importance of manufacturing and innovation in the U.S. economy. , which is sponsored by AMT, will serve as a launching pad for the new venture.

In making the announcement, Douglas K. Woods, president of AMT, noted that AMT and NAM are two of the most important voices in the world of manufacturing today.  “Collectively, our members represent every stage of the production process — from the mind of the design engineer to the shop and factory floor to the global marketplace. Together, we want to underscore the importance of a strong manufacturing sector to long-term economic growth and national security,” he said.

John Engler, NAM president and CEO, will give a keynote address in the September 14, the second day of the show. Mr. Engler will highlight the importance of investment in innovation, technology and technical skills to a strong U.S. manufacturing sector. The former governor of Michigan will also provide insight into how the federal government and the states can create an economic climate that encourages innovation.

NAM recently released “A Manufacturing Strategy for Jobs and a More Competitive America,” a plan outlining policies lawmakers can adopt and advocate in order to keep manufacturing successful and competitive. More specifically, the strategy highlights the need for tax policies that align America more closely with major manufacturing competitors; government investments in infrastructure and innovation; and trade initiatives that reduce barriers and open markets to U.S. exports.

Coupled with AMT’s Manufacturing Mandate, this makes a strong case for action to support manufacturing, the organizations say. The Mandate calls for a federal policy of collaboration between government, industry and academia to place incentives on innovation and R&D in new products and technologies; ensure the availability of capital; increase global competitiveness; minimize structural cost burdens; and enhance and build a better educated and trained “smartforce.”