CNC Swiss-Type Automatic Lathe
Model SA 12A/18A from Nexturn features a Fanuc, built-in AC spindle motor; ultra precision ball screw; 1/1,000-degree positioning for the main spindle; rapid traverse speed of 32 m/min.; and more. The standard machine features five fixed front-end tools and five fixed back-end tools. An optional, three driven tool

Model SA 12A/18A from Nexturn features a Fanuc, built-in AC spindle motor; ultra precision ball screw; 1/1,000-degree positioning for the main spindle; rapid traverse speed of 32 m/min.; and more. The standard machine features five fixed front-end tools and five fixed back-end tools. An optional, three driven tool system features two live and two fixed front-end tools as well as one live and two fixed back-end tools. The rotary guide bushing unit features a dual-bearing structure with high accuracy, the company says.
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