Create High-Speed Machining Toolpaths
IMTS22: Griffo Brothers’ offers a complete offline solution for Mazatrol programming, including updated features to enable high-speed toolpath creation.

Griffo Brothers Inc. provides a complete offline solution for Mazatrol programming. The company highlights its CamLink software, and an updated feature that enables users to generate high-speed toolpaths from Mazatrol-like formats.
Griffo Brothers CamLink software provides support for all Mazak machine controls, from the 2 generation offering through the new SMOOTH, bringing its user-friendly features to Mazatrol programing offline. Users can link to SolidWorks, drag and drop Mazatrol editing, convert Mazatrol to G code, run 3D shape check, translate between generations of controls, and more. Griffo Brothers CamLink is made by Mazak users, for Mazak users.
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