
Here’s What a Voice-Controlled Machine Shop Could Look Like

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Voice-control technology has entered the machine tool scene, and companies like Makino are now setting their eyes toward using it to connect more equipment on the shop floor.


Imagine voice-recognition technology as the star of your machine shop. Imagine a hands-free way to execute a number of control and information functions on every piece of digitally connected equipment. Imagine getting instant access to CNC machine info that otherwise would require wading through the interface to find things such as machine settings or maintenance history.

Too good to be true? All the components of this technology already exist, and now it’s a matter of integrating them with more production equipment and software applications that control the shop.

Makino is leading the way in advancing voice-recognition HMI technology in machine tools, but it’s not doing that on its own. The company is working with the company iTSpeeX, developer of Athena, which they call the first universal, voice-operated assistant technology specifically designed for manufacturing work…READ MORE.