
How to Simplify Your Tooling Inventory with Indexable Slitting

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Narrowest indexable slitting line available eliminates the need for regrinding and also reduces the number of required setups, thus simplifying your tooling inventory. 


While not as common as conventional milling and drilling, slitting is also another operation performed with driven stations. To allow for an indexable approach, ISCAR has introduced the narrowest indexable slitting line available.

The company’s SlimSlit line offers an indexable slitting line down to 0.024" wide. Previously, it was only possible to perform a slitting operation under 0.040" with HSS or solid carbide slitting saws that required regrinding. Regrinding changes the diameter, thus the potential need for slight programming changes or offsets.

ISCAR’s SlimSlit line eliminates the need for additional setups by utilizing indexable inserts. With a variety of offerings, SlimSlit not only reduces number of additional setups but also eliminates the need for regrinding the tools and…READ MORE.