Ingersoll Rand Looking for Oldest Air Compressor, Tool
Upload photos of your oldest working Ingersoll Rand air compressor or tool and have the chance to win new ones.

Here’s one entry pulled from the company’s Facebook page.
is looking to fill in its product family tree with photos of the oldest, functioning, company air compressors and tools. The submission of the oldest air compressor will win a Garage Mate Single-Stage Air Compressor and the oldest tool entry will receive a new cordless drill.
“From 1904 when Ingersoll-Sergeant drills were used to help build the Panama Canal to 1927 when our air compressors helped build Mount Rushmore, our story has been intertwined with history,” notes Jennifer Eckert, marketing manager – Americas service solutions. “We want to give customers a chance to share the stories behind the tools and air compressors that have been with them throughout the years. We will update the family scrapbook on a regular basis throughout the contest so that others can also see and read the stories and history behind these trusted products.”
To enter, go to the Ingersoll Rand Facebook page () and click on the “photo contest” app to fill out the contest entry form. The photos will be added to the company’s online family scrapbook, and all participants with valid entries will receive T-shirts while supplies last. The contest ends Dec. 30, 2012.