Let’s Go to the (Automation) Video
While visiting shops to gather info and take photos for stories, I and the other MMS editors also look for neat processes that lend themselves to helpful video.

While visiting shops to gather info and take photos for stories, I and the other MMS editors also look for neat processes that lend themselves to helpful video. This was a cinch at SEW Eurodrive’s operation in Lyman, South Carolina.
The company recently brought a 12-machine gearbox housing cell online. This is impressive, to say the least. It has a cool, sort of cell-within-a-cell layout in addition to a nifty mix of technologies. This includes part sensing that helps two big gantry robots determine the X-, Y- and Z-axis position of unmachined castings stacked on plywood in large bins. Watch the cell in action.
Have you taken video of some innovative new process at your shop (and perhaps uploaded it to YouTube)? If so, shoot me an e-mail. I’d love to hear about/see it.
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