

Meet Bandit, This Shop’s CMO

CMO—that’s “Chief Morale Officer.” Bandit is a border collie whose main occupation is keeping attitudes well-adjusted at Carolina Precision Manufacturing in Mooresville, North Carolina.


Leaders-In background

Making people smile is one of the chief duties of any shop dog. Bandit is good at this job, as proven by this shot of Gary Bruner and his CMO.   

CMO—that’s “Chief Morale Officer.” Bandit is a border collie whose main occupation is keeping attitudes well-adjusted at Carolina Precision Manufacturing in Mooresville, North Carolina. I visited this shop recently to see its newly installed machine monitoring system. Company President Gary Bruner introduced me to Bandit, who tagged along for my tour of this prosperous and forward-thinking CNC Swiss shop. Bandit’s positive influence was evident at every stop on the tour.

Of course, Bandit didn’t distract me from getting a good look at how the new machine monitoring system is helping CPM improve machine uptime and hit critical production targets. I’m planning to report on this shop’s experience in an upcoming feature article. How the monitoring system and the upbeat shop culture there were mutually beneficial will be part of this story.

Having a friendly dog or other pet around the shop can be part of a company’s unique culture. To see more about why I like “shop dogs,” click here. Have a picture or story about your shop dog? Send it me at malbert@mmsonline.com