
Minimizing Cutting Tool Vibration Leads to Machining Productivity

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For those using mass damper devices to overcome cutting tool vibration, there’s a more efficient approach. Learn how new vibration-control technology can enable higher-quality machining with larger tool length to diameter ratios.  


For milling, Steadyline vibration-control configurations are available with Combimaster replaceable-head milling cutters.


Manufacturers today want to achieve higher machining productivity without compromise to machine or workpiece. This is why they have increasingly applied mass-damper devices to overcome vibration. A tuned-mass damper is a component suspended within a machine or structure that is designed to resonate out of phase with the unwanted vibration, absorb its energy and minimize the vibratory motion.

The more efficient passive/dynamic approach to cutting tool vibration control applies the tuned-mass-damper concept.

The Steadyline system from Seco Tools, for example, features a pre-tuned vibration damper consisting of a heavy metal mass suspended inside the toolholder bar. The damper mass is made of high-density material to minimize its overall dimensions and absorb vibration as it is transmitted by the cutting tool to the body of the bar…READ MORE.