
New Turning Process Can Drastically Cut Cycle Times

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Sandvik Coromant’s PrimeTurning process allows turning and facing in all directions, delivering dramatic increases in high-volume production. Cycle time reductions of 50 percent or more can be achieved.


If you could take a high-volume turning application and double the output, would you be willing to change your process? That’s a no-brainer for most shops, but what would you have to do?

Sandvik Coromant says they have an answer with their new PrimeTurning process, which they say can reduce cycle times by 50 percent or more in the right turning applications. The key is the ability to feed the turning tool in any direction: toward or away from the chuck in turning operations, and up or down in facing operations. A very low lead angle on the insert allows you to take much more aggressive cuts. And the ability to feed away from shoulders eliminates the chip-jamming problems typical of conventional turning. In applications in which you are removing a lot of material in well-supported parts, this “all-directional-turning” process results in massive improvements in turning productivity,  with better tool life and surface finish in the bargain.

Don’t believe it? See more on the PrimeTurning process here, including videos of several different turning scenarios.