
NIMS Introduces Training and Standards Tools for Organizations

In its booth, NIMS focuses on its Smart Training Standards platform as well as its newly updated Interactive Standards Viewer. 


Leaders-In background

The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) slightly shifted gears this year to manufacturing companies invested in workforce development. Although NIMS is part of the Smartforce Student Summit and therefore staff is dialoguing with students and educators about the importance of trade skillets and apprenticeships at the show, it’s mainly focused on introducing its Smart Training Standards (STS) platform as well as its newly updated Interactive Standards Viewer (ISV).

The STS platform is both a training framework and technology for building updated training materials and proactively executing training within the natural workflow. Wherever on-the-job training is required, the platform creates a digital twin of a workflow. With your training and workflow synchronized, your training content can be dynamically updated to keep up with the pace of change. STS detects opportunities to train and evaluate within a workflow and identifies who needs to be trained or evaluated on the shop floor.

Enabling manufacturers to stay abreast of industry standards, the updated ISV includes new standards in its repository of smart standards. The viewer builds a bridge between educators and employers by establishing a common framework. The ISV leverages communities, democratizing the standards development process by permitting any subject matter expert to review and suggest changes to a duty at any time. When a particular pattern of suggestions is identified, the duty can then be revised.

To help NIMS vet the standards housed in its ISV, it is asking industry professionals at the show to survey a job role within the ISV. As a thank you, participants will receive a $10 gift card to a restaurant within McCormick Place.   

The same gift cards are also distributed to students who answer a minimum number of questions and standards within any discipline of their choice in the ISV.