Online Marketplace Helps Shops Stay at Maximum Capacity provides a global database connecting buyers and sellers of CNC machining services.

provides a global database connecting buyers and sellers of CNC machining services. Machine shops can search for and find both local and global CNC jobs for free, and buyers can place machining jobs on the platform as well as update and optimize their network of suppliers. Both buyers and sellers also receive a range of regular reports covering trends in metalworking based on user activity, enabling machining suppliers to make informed decisions about investments in their capabilities.
The company says the value of its online marketplace is found in optimizing workload. If a shop has open capacity, it can quickly and easily search for new jobs that match its company profile. Likewise, if a shop is at capacity or if a machine breaks down, it can efficiently outsource jobs to suitable partners.
Numerous filter tools make searching for jobs efficient, matching machine shops to jobs, Orderfox says. Status updates on whether a job has been awarded, is available or has been postponed is also easy to manage, and customer information is accessible via the buyer’s profile. If there is interest, the shop can contact the representative of the buyer company with the click of a button. The platform keeps users informed of business activity with reports and email notifications, providing a continuously transparent overview. Staff can assist users with their queries via online chat and telephone.
Machine shop company profiles include customizable input fields and multiple-choice fields to simplify profile creation. Companies can present their fleet of machines, references and brands in detail using pictures, videos, brochures and certifications. Users simply drag and drop files into the window to upload them. Changes are possible at any time, and a privacy mode can protect profile and contact information.
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