
Two Roughing Strategies That Are Enormously More Productive

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High-efficiency milling and high-feed milling are two relatively new ways to achieve much higher metal removal rates than traditional cutting methods. And with the right cutting tools and CAM software, you can use these methods on your existing equipment.


High-efficiency milling has gotten a lot of attention in recent years as a way to substantially increase metal removal rates with solid carbide end mills on almost any kind of milling machine. With small stepovers, but faster feed rates and deeper depths of cut, this “constant chip load” cutting strategy can dramatically increase roughing efficiency compared to conventional machining.

However, extremely high efficiencies also can be achieved with new indexable cutters at shallow depths of cut, but substantially higher feed rates.

Which is best? To help answer that question, well-known cutting tool manufacturer Kyocera Precision Tools—which makes both types of tools—ran a series of test cuts to see how each would perform in side-by-side comparisons. Here’s what the company found…READ MORE.