
Universal Workholding Solution Grips Challenging Parts

IMTS22: Norgren Workholding’s Adaptix can be quickly set up and grip unique parts for high mix, low volume orders.


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Photo Credit: Norgren Workholding

Norgren Workholding demonstrates Adaptix, its unique universal workholding solution, which the company says can rapidly adjust to powerfully grip challenging workpieces. Adaptix’s innovative technology is said to ensure repeatability and precision are maintained throughout the machining process, resulting in more uptime and faster changeovers. Unique shapes can be quickly set up and held for high mix, low volume orders. Its ease of configuration and interchangeable pin tips mean machine operators can reduce set up and changeover times and associated labor costs.

Visitors to the Norgren Workholding’s booth can see the wide range of supporting system components such as tips and studs, which enable the product to adapt clamping forces and grip dependent on the material, as well as see Adaptix in action. Norgren’s team of application engineers will be on-hand to demonstrate Adaptix and to answer technical questions.

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