
Video: Height Differences Prove No Match for Dot-Peen Stylus

High amplitude limits the need for accessories or adjustments while helping to close the gap between pneumatic and electromagnetic systems.


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Any pneumatic dot-peen marking stylus can follow workpiece contours like the one in the video above. They just can’t do so to the same extent.

Like other pneumatic styli, the 3D Stylus shown in the video operates via shop air, which propels it toward the work, and an internal spring, which brings it back to home position. At least, that’s how Bon Carter of Technifor, the company that produced the stylus and the video, explains it. In this case, however, design adjustments enable the stylus to travel a much greater distance than comparable models before the spring snaps it back. That means less frequent strokes, as well as greater inertia and potentially deeper marks toward the far end of the system’s range. However, it also means less noise, less air consumption, and most importantly of all, the ability to mark any feature within a 16-mm vertical range without accessories or adjustments (other pneumatic systems are limited to about 6 mm, Mr. Carter says).

The video speaks for itself in terms of the advantages of this pneumatic stylus. Further details on its design and application are available in this article