
What Does Data-Driven Manufacturing Mean for Your Shop?

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Industry 4.0. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Smart manufacturing. The buzzwords abound, but what does this technology really mean for your shop? Here’s how you can start applying best practices in digitalization today.


There’s enough talk of Industry 4.0, IIoT, Smart Manufacturing and others as a far-reaching goal for shop efficiency. Buzzwords aside, it’s important to ask: What does this technology mean for your shop? In what ways can you apply digitalization right now?

Many machine shop managers are wondering that too. Luckily, the picture is starting to come into focus with the development of production technology and analytics applications that are capable of telling you what’s really happening on the shop floor, in real time.

The easy, quick win is that these tools will directly help increase equipment utilization. But they can also improve machining processes and enable better decision-making across the entire manufacturing business.

Here’s an excerpt from Sandvik’s three-part series on how to get started on data-driven manufacturing for shops of any size…READ MORE.