Derek Korn Editor-in-Chief
Try 110
First, recall this scene in the movie "This is Spinal Tap" where Brit guitarist Nigel Tufnel deftly explains the value of having amps with knobs that go to 11 (versus most blokes’ amps that only go to 10). Now, consider the following machining tip as you replay that “one louder” scene in your mind: Turn the feed rate override to 110 percent.
Read MoreLet’s Go to the (Automation) Video
While visiting shops to gather info and take photos for stories, I and the other MMS editors also look for neat processes that lend themselves to helpful video.
Read MoreA Show For Shops With Evolving Roles
Machine shops and mold makers are being asked to play a changing role in product development cycles. An upcoming event highlights strategies shops can apply to become more effective at the rapid manufacturing services their customers need.
Read MoreMore In The Know
This shop is in the early stages of integrating Internet-based training tailored specifically to the brand of Swiss-type lathes it uses. The goal is to bring prospective employees up to speed quicker while enabling existing employees to progress to more advanced roles in the shop.
WatchiPhone Apps for Machinists
Smart phone and machining technologies have collided…but in a good way.
Read MoreThere Are Apps For That, Too
These two iPhone apps provide manufacturing professionals and students with quick access to helpful cutting tool information directly from their smart phones.
Read MoreAutomating Grinding Setups For Root Form Tools
An automated Form Tool Compensation system offers a streamlined way to set up root form cutter jobs on grinding machines while ensuring ground profile accuracy to as little as 2 microns.
Read MoreVideo: Setting Boring Bar Offset On A Swiss-Type
This video clip from a MasterTask Training instructional course describes how to set the X-axis geometry offset for a boring bar on a Tsugami Swiss-type lathe.
WatchA Significant Cell
Manual loading of heavy housings was this manufacturer’s prime bottleneck. It had limited experience with automated cells, but decided to install a big one. A look at the manufacturer’s $13 million cell reveals an intriguing layout and blend of technologies.
WatchEnergy Conservation: Lean’s Potentially Wasted Opportunity
More efficient energy use shouldn’t be viewed simply as a chance by-product of lean manufacturing. Rather, your lean scheme should specifically target elements of production that waste energy.
Read MoreThe Value Of Indexable-Insert Center Drills
This indexable-insert center drill, said to be an industry first, combines the drilling performance advantages of solid carbide with the positioning repeatability and quick-change benefits common to indexable-insert tooling.
Read MoreA Relationship To Grow
Don’t pass up the opportunity to build a relationship with key local cutting tool representatives.
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