Mark Albert Editor Emeritus
How Strong A Weave?
Reactions to Hurricane Katrina's incredible destruction and its impact on the region's population often included comments about its damage to the "fabric of society," which indeed seemed to be unraveling under the extraordinary stresses produced by the storm's aftermath. The common bonds between individuals and the normal restraints upon behavior were severely disrupted.
Read MoreTecumseh Sets Its Course
A very different kind of CNC software paves the way for creating an integrated manufacturing environment.
Read MoreAs The Turn/Mill Concept Evolves, Is New Terminology Needed?
This series of turn/mill machines combines the full turning capability of a pure turning center and the full millig capability of a machining center. Design features address critical issues of vibration and heat.
Read MoreGet Lean, Go Global
A successful manufacturing company must achieve world-class capability within its walls. At the same time, a company has to go after global business opportunities. Hanel Corporation (New Berlin, Wisconsin) is a case in point. It has implemented several U-shaped production cells that help the company keep costs down and productivity up. At the same time, company leaders have aggressively courted customers in countries around the world by offering both tangible and intangible values.
Read MoreTake Heart
This issue focuses on the future of machining because thinking about the future helps us deal with the present. The present moment, however, may not be the best time to read this page.
Read MoreManufacturing In Transition
The Future of Machining - 2005 The role of machining will evolve as manufacturing adapts to pervasive trends. Here is an outlook on the forces shaping the manufacturing industry.
Read MoreA Startup Shop In The Digital Age
This shop is building a future based on the creative and productive potential of machining.
Read MoreThe Changing Face Of CNC Programming
The Future of Machining - 2005 Efforts to create a CNC-usable product data model are inching forward, but in the meantime, advances in CAM software will make the programmer's job function super-efficient rather than superfluous.
Read MoreInvigorating Innovation
Where will new manufacturing technologies come from? Who will develop new processes and new materials for making tomorrow's weapons, vehicles, scientific instruments and medical devices? AMT—The Association For Manufacturing Technology is betting that many of these innovations will come from its members. Historically, companies that built machine tools and other manufacturing equipment were also inventors and developers of new manufacturing processes.
Read MoreUpgrade Your Cutting Tool Mindset
A handful of timely observations may boost the productivity of your thinking about cutting tools.
Read MoreNew Chuck Standards Take Hold
Safety, performance checks and uniform terminology are some of the issues related to lathe chucks and chuck jaws addressed by a key industry committee.
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