Mark Albert Editor Emeritus
The Virtue Of Making Good Parts
Imagine a very small, extremely intricate workpiece made of a tough alloy. Manufacturing it requires a number of tricky machining operations.
Read MoreTooling Triad
To build exceptionally effective extrusion dies, this shop brings together strengths in three key areas: CNC machining, EDMing and tool room operations.
Read MoreTurning Off-Center Diameters In One Setup
In the past, turned parts with one or more off-center hubs could not be machined in one chucking on a lathe or turning center. Typically, the part had to be rechucked in a special fixture to center the eccentric portions for turning. Parts with more than one eccentric hub required additional refixturing.
Read MoreOn Garbage Day Eve
Every Monday night, I carry two big black plastic bags to the curb in front of the house. By morning they will be gone, having vanished into the back of an unseen garbage truck before dawn.
Read MoreIs The Moment Now?
There comes a time when the progress of technology reaches a crucial point where the decision to invest in new processes, new applications or new equipment becomes literally a life-and-death matter. The shops that take bold action will survive, even flourish.
Read MoreProcessing The Process
The high speed horizontal machining centers in this manufacturing cell represent a very efficient process for machining cast iron transmission cases. How the crew runs and maintains this cell represents a very efficient process for making this cell ever more productive and cost effective.
Read MoreCoolant Nozzle Hits The Spot
As everyone knows, flood coolant doesn't do much good if the coolant stream isn't aimed adequately at the point where the cutting tool is removing metal.
Read MoreThe DRO You Wear
Dubbed iPRO for interactive personal readout, this DRO system is wearable, wireless and voice activated. Each of these features is remarkable in its own right. Combined, however, they make the most futuristic DRO system you are likely to encounter.
Read MoreWho Really Wins?
An interesting report was released recently by two national trade associations that represent manufacturing companies. The report summarized a survey of U.
Read MoreCatching Your Breath
The economy seems to be taking a breather. Use this lull for positive, constructive action.
Read MoreGuide Column Replaces Linear Ways
These machines feature a hydrostatic way system allowing the main carriage slide to travel on a cylindrical guide column with no metal-to-metal contact, developers say. This hydrostatic design eliminates any stick-slip effect in axis travel and greatly reduces wear.
Read MoreFeature Recognition—The Missing Link To Automated CAM
Software that analyzes design geometry and identifies what is a pocket, a hole, a slot or another machinable shape promises to have a major impact on the productivity of CNC programmers.
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