Matt Danford Former Senior Editor
EDM Features Longer Travels, Improved Wire Threading
Sodick's latest wire EDM, showcased at a recent open house event, also features linear motors, custom base ceramics and other features common to the company's entire line.
Read MoreMachine Distributor, High School Work to Address Skills Gap
Locating Compumachine’s new technical center on the grounds of Essex Technical High School is said to be a win-win for both organizations.
Read MoreMitutoyo Looks Ahead
Mitutoyo America’s 50th anniversary celebration at its new headquarters facility revealed much about what has made the company successful thus far and where it’s going from here.
Read MoreCollaborating for Competitiveness
These seven aerospace shops prove that blurring the line between competitor and collaborator can benefit all involved—if it’s done right.
Read MoreA Robotic (R)evolution
This shop’s evolving approach to automation has led it to streamline processes, challenge preconceived notions about robotics and embrace the notion that a manufacturing sequence is greater than the sum of its parts.
Read MoreSolid PCD Drill Tip Cleaves Composites
A solid PCD tip and a third flute provide improved edge sharpness, thermal conductivity and stability compared to PCD vein or dual-brazed tip designs.
Read MoreDoubling Down on Setup Reduction
Angle heads still find plenty of use for reducing setups, even in shops using sophisticated multi-axis machine tools.
Read MoreAnatomy of a High-Feed Insert
An examination of Horn’s recently expanded DAH series sheds light on the design features that make high-feed milling inserts effective. These particular tools also offer their own advantages.
Read MoreThe Benefits and Limitations of Machining With an Angle Head
Far from being outdated by the latest machine tool technology, angle heads often prove an ideal complement by pushing done-in-one capabilities even further. Proper application, however, requires attention to their limitations as well as their benefits.
Read MoreEvents Highlight New EDMs, Micromachining Technology
Back-to-back events drew hundreds to Makino’s Auburn Hills, Michigan tech center last week for technical presentations, machine demos, networking and more.
Read MoreChanging Perceptions, One Day at a Time
Through a coordinated series of open house events throughout the country, Manufacturing Day aims to enlighten the general public about the true nature of modern manufacturing enterprises.
Read MoreAverage Chip Thickness: What It Is and Why You Should Care
During milling applications, chips that are too thin might indicate inadequate heat dissipation that can cause premature insert wear. Too thick, and cutting forces might be high enough to break inserts outright. Cutting parameters should be set to attain a middle ground.
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