Matt Danford

Matt Danford Former Senior Editor

Laser & Waterjet

Laser Cutter Taps Into “Done-in-One” Fabrication

Multitasking machines offer a number of advantages, including reducing multiple setups that require manual material handling and refixturing. However, many fabricators still use multiple operations on separate machines to process tube and pipe components. Secondary operations such as tapping are especially prob

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Drill Deletes Delamination In CFRP

Composites are becoming increasingly common in aerospace applications, and machining new materials can be a challenge for shops used to cutting metal. One such substance, carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP), can be difficult to drill because tools often “push” through the material rather than executing a cle

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Compact Handling Facility Sticks To Basics

Shops consider a number of factors when justifying automated parts storage systems, including cost, required floor space and machining application.

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Collet System Keeps Cool Under Pressure

Coolant-through tooling is becoming increasingly popular as manufacturers continue to search for new ways to maintain the tight tolerances, high accuracies and smooth surface finishes required for many of today’s jobs. While coolant-through spindles are now a standard feature on many new machines, the machines and tools themselves represent only part of the equation. The interface between the spindle and the tool—a properly sealed toolholder—is just as important.

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Oil & Gas

New Boring Tool Phases Out Multiple-Pass Operation

Boring large holes often takes multiple passes that lead to lengthy cycle times. This oil industry manufacturer turned to Allied Machine and Engineering for help with one such troublesome application. A custom tool saved the shop hours on cycle time.

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It Begins With Belief

This shop’s approach to unattended machining focuses on the big picture. 

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