Peggy Malnati MMT, Contributing Writer


Peggy Malnati is a Detroit-based contributing writer for focused on case study/application stories and shop profiles. She has also been a contributing writer for since 2006, for which she primarily covers automotive and ground transportation. A long-time member of and , she has organized and managed large technical sessions and conferences for both organizations as well as for the former Structural Plastics division of SPI. For 15 years, she was a board member and the communications chair for the . She also was editor of the 1994 book Structural Analysis of Thermoplastic Components. She has provided writing and communications services for the global plastics and composites industries since 1984.



Using Automation to Reduce COGS and Stay Globally Competitive

Decade-long, multiphase automation investments lower operating costs and maintain technology lead in an increasingly competitive global market.

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How to Achieve Unmatched Accuracy in Very Large Workpieces

Dynamic Tool Corp. purchases two bridge-style double-column CNCs to increase the cutting envelope and maintain 5-micron cutting accuracy in the long term.

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