Peter Zelinski Editor-in-Chief
Positive Correlation between Robots and Employment
Do robots replace employees? Far from it. Data suggest employment and automation grow together, while individual cases show automation raising employee value and helping the employer attract talent.
Read MoreCan a CNC M-Code Accelerate Laser Calibration?
A metrology technology supplier describes a technique for significantly reducing the downtime to calibrate large machines.
Read MoreMade in Elk Grove Expo is Next Week
The municipality-hosted trade show is October 12. One highlight is a matchmaking session introducing small manufacturers to potential OEM customers.
Read MoreOpening Up as Standard Practice
How difficult would it be to offer periodic facility tours to the local public? Perhaps not difficult at all. By comparison, the rewards that might come of this could be considerable.
Read MoreTitan Season 2
The reality TV show about a machining job shop is about to start a new season. But in a way, the show itself is part of a new season for its creator, Titan Gilroy, because the show came about only after some failure and success in his life had both come to an end. I see lessons in both the way he produces the show and the journey that preceded TV.
Read MoreTesting Measures Impact of Toolholder Interface Rigidity
Though Big-Plus and HSK share superficial similarities, they differ fundamentally in how they clamp the holder--a difference with important implications.
Read MoreTalent Shortage: Advice from a Human Resources Expert
The shortage of potential employees in manufacturing is a serious challenge that merits a serious response. An employment consultant describes how manufacturing businesses should think differently about talent and recruiting.
Read MoreThe Importance of Positive Culture
One of the most significant developments I am seeing in manufacturing is a recognition of the potential value of fostering an encouraging culture for employees.
Read More“Spirograph” Generates Face Grooves on a Machining Center
Sandvik Coromant's unusual "SpiroGrooving" system uses an adjustable toolholder to machine API grooves on a machining center.
Read MoreThe Capacity Close By
MakeTime offers a model for connecting OEMs’ manufacturing needs with the capacity shops have available.
Read MoreThe Cutter Affects Capacity
New machine tools allowed CTG to cut cycle time by 75 percent, but that wasn’t enough. Finding the right tool and process cut that cycle time further, giving the oil-industry manufacturer the capacity needed to support an important new product.
Read MoreThe Machinist Garden
The lettuce is growing great. But can this team of precision machining specialists get watermelon to grow in Connecticut?
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