Peter Zelinski Editor-in-Chief
From Media to Manufacturing
Video producers with no previous knowledge of CNC discover the power and possibilities of modern machine tool technology. Their example says something about where manufacturing talent might come from, and also about the importance of manufacturing as a whole.
Read MoreStart with the Specs
Techspex has a new website and new capabilities. In place of a word-based search engine, this free utility aims to be the logical starting point for searches aimed specifically at finding the right machine tool.
Read MoreThe Secret Robot
A manufacturer struggles over its employees’ potential reaction to automation. The struggle itself says something important.
Read MoreUltrasonic-Assisted Machining with Standard Machines and Tools
A system to be marketed in 2015 will apply ultrasonic vibration from within the toolholder to reduce cutting force and improve the performance of the cut.
Read MoreEOS North American User Day Comes to IMTS
The User Day is one of multiple events at IMTS addressing heightened interest in additive manufacturing technology. Additive has also added its name to a pavilion.
Read MoreVideo: Mentees and Mentors Describe Manufacturing Careers
Video promoting manufacturing careers highlights young people who have chosen this work, and the plants and schools that employ and teach them.
Read MoreWhy Reshore?
The question of where to manufacture is not strictly an issue of labor cost. Kent Bicycles is relocating production to the United States. The company CEO lists a number of factors that all contributed to this decision.
Read MoreHow Much Can Unattended Production Add?
Using a horizontal machining center, this shop kept production going through two 10-hour shifts per day. That seemed like a lot, but a pallet system enabled the shop to go even further.
Read MoreVideo: Automation Adds Jobs at Vickers Engineering
Rather than being a replacement for employees, this machined parts supplier says robotic automation has led to a doubling of the size of its staff.
WatchWebinar: Increase Milling Output on Your Existing Machine
It is not always the strength of the tool or the power of the machine that limits your depth of cut. In many cases, the limitation is the tendency to vibrate. Learn how to mill more productively by selecting spindle speeds tailored to your machine’s dynamics.
Read MoreClamping Options for Five-Axis Machining
In five-axis machining, the workholding has to get out of the way. The wrong choice of clamping risks collision and can obscure one of the principal benefits of a five-axis machine.
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