Peter Zelinski Editor-in-Chief
How 3+2 Saves Tools
A machining center capable of reorienting the part enables the shop to machine compound-angle features more efficiently.
Read More“I Was the Village Idiot”
I once heard someone say, “Yes, they laughed at Christopher Columbus, but they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.” When people are laughing at you, you don’t necessarily know which one you are.Mike Eden says they laughed at him once.
Read MoreBetter Accuracy from Big Machines
Holding tight tolerances across travels such as these can be challenging.
Read MoreIf You Build It
Eifel’s new five-axis machine was a major investment, but the small shop expects it will lead to expanded business prospects.
Read MoreLearn What More Your Software Can Do
Consider a software audit involving the software company’s support personnel. Let them watch how you use (and don’t use) the capabilities of the product you already own.
Read MoreHow to Work a Webinar
A Webinar, in case you’ve not attended one, is an online presentation—a “Web seminar”—on a topic of interest to a specific audience.
Read MoreHow Green Jobs Hurt the Environment
The problem with promising “green jobs” is that the promise is both anti-green and anti-jobs.
Read MoreVideo: 3+2 Mold Machining at Eifel
A maker of injection molds for high-appearance-quality parts describes the machine tool, software and strategy this shop uses to apply 3+2 machining.
WatchDo You Have an Automation Strategy?
Contract shop Energy Dynamics said demographics provide one of the reasons why this shop bought a robot.
Read MoreHard Milling Isn’t Just High Speed Machining
Milling complex forms in hardened tool steel involves more than just fast, light cuts, says this maker of medical-related injection molds. Here are some of the ingredients of an effective hard milling process.
WatchAnother Angle On HSM
The savings in setup time were welcome enough, but this mold maker found that a 3+2 machining center also accelerated its use of high speed machining.
Read MoreThe Progress of a Progressive Die Maker
This shop sees no long-term threat in the reality of lower prices. Machine tool investments related to various die components allow the shop to use skilled labor more efficiently.
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