Peter Zelinski Editor-in-Chief
How To Machine Aircraft Titanium: Getting The Metal Out
Part of a series of articles on machining pockets in titanium parts, this article describes various options for roughing the hard metal efficiently.
Read MoreHow To Machine Aircraft Titanium: Plunge And Sweep For Finishing Corners
Part of a series of articles on more efficient machining of pockets in titanium parts, this article describes an effective approach to finishing internal corners.
Read MoreHow To Machine Aircraft Titanium: Pricing The Process Instead Of The Tool
Part of a series of articles on more efficient machining of pockets in titanium parts, this article describes the importance of considering all of the costs that are affected by the choice of cutting tool.
Read MoreFinishing A Pocket Floor In Titanium
Machining animation from Boeing illustrates effective techniques for titanium workpieces. This simulation also shows finishing of the floor of the pocket.
WatchFinishing Walls In Titanium
Machining animation from Boeing illustrates effective techniques for titanium workpieces. This video shows material machined out of the corners prior to finishing.
WatchPlunge-And-Sweep For Finishing Corners
Machining animation from Boeing illustrates effective techniques for titanium workpieces.
WatchWhat Is The Right Way To Become An Aerospace Shop?
This Atlanta shop succeeded at becoming an aircraft-industry parts supplier. The lessons of its success have a lot to do with commitment and enthusiasm.
Read MoreWhere I Want To Invest Now
Foolish as it might sound, I am going to keep putting money into the stock market—and that might even turn out to be a good place for it.
Read MoreAccuracy Gain From Linear Encoders
If the position of a machine tool’s axis is measured using a rotary encoder, then potentially the ballscrew is being asked to perform two contradictory functions. The ballscrew both drives the axis into position and indicates that position—because the ballscrew lies in between the encoder and the moving element of the machine. Control technology supplier Heidenhain calls this “semiclosed-loop” operation.
WatchOptimal Milling Strategy For Entering Material From The Side
These animations show why an arc in the same direction as tool rotation is effective. The strategy is relevant for entering material from the edge, as well as for pocketing.
WatchVideo: 56-Percent Productivity Increase By Reducing Chatter
The video compares a milling pass that chatters to one that is stable. Because the stable speed permits greater depth of cut, productivity increases.
WatchVideo: Finish-Milling Titanium With A 20-Flute End Mill
A tool with many flutes can be effective for achieving a productive metal removal rate in titanium, where speed and chip load are constrained. See how quickly the chips accumulate in this video.