Peter Zelinski Editor-in-Chief
Let Assembly Be The Inspection
This shop realized single-setup machining on a multitasking turning center, but there was still more efficiency to be found. When all of the part's machining had been consolidated, the shop realized that assembly operations could be performed at the same station as well.
Read MoreCultivating Metalworking Technology's Next Users
An educator from a successful vocational high school describes what manufacturers can do to help institutions like his provide capable talent to industry.
Read MoreLike A Bin
It may seem strange to characterize an expensive capital investment this way, but perhaps the goal of any modern production machining process should be to become just like a bin. That was what I came away thinking after my visit to Champion (Let Assembly Be The Inspection).
Read MoreE-Mails We Love To Receive
A reader recently sent me an e-mail in which he came right to the point with what he hoped I would do. “I really would like to see what we are doing here in our shop in an article in MMS,” he said.
Read MoreBeyond Technology
Succeeding at machining takes technology. The shops in the following pages continually improve their production resources. However, these shops also know that future manufacturing success demands some other ongoing commitment. Here are three views on what that “something else” entails.
Read MoreBack To Kansas
This manufacturer took a hard look at the compromises it was making to outsource machining and decided the costs were too high. Therefore, the company abandoned its old facility, built a bigger one, bought new CNC machine tools and brought its machining back in-house.
Read MoreEngineering Employees
Today, the lack of skilled manufacturing employees is the major problem holding this company back. To clear the way for growth tomorrow, the company is determined to solve this problem. The answer is an internal university for developing the skills of every current employee and new hire, including many who have never set foot in a machine shop before.
Read MoreA Practical Guide To Presetters
Tool measurement devices help shops save time, control runout and improve tool management.
Read MoreThe Fourth Thing
In some of the more integrated customer-supplier relationships, manufacturing suppliers start to look like employees. That is, the independent businesses become “interdependent,” with the well-connected supplier frequently engaging different parts of the customer’s operations, and getting an inside view of the customer’s business.
Read MoreDare To Love
Is there room for love in metalworking? Peter Boucher of 3V Precision Machining (the subject of this month’s cover story) talks about love a lot. He regards his work with this emotion, he regards his employees with the same emotion, and he looks for employees who are willing to cultivate the same mindset.
Read MoreTaking The Plunge
It doesn't take sophisticated technology to perform plunge roughing effectively. In fact, if you are making due with a less effective machine, plunge roughing deserves even more serious consideration. (Includes video.)
Read MoreMaking Chips Vs. Making Value
In a cycle that is 90 percent grinding and 10 percent more basic metal cutting, letting the grinder perform the last 10 percent may make sense.
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