Peter Zelinski Editor-in-Chief
Move The Program Instead Of The Part
A complex five-axis part with hard-to-reach datums is machined in two setups instead of eight, thanks to a process that rewrites the tool paths to match the part's position.
Read MoreToday’s Worries And Tomorrow’s Wealth
How much government do you want? Invariably, you live with the answer that the past has chosen. Our current decade has introduced me to a political stance I’ve come to think of as “fair-weather libertarianism.
Read MoreToward More Seamless MQL
One of the small perils of a new technology is that it often involves new steps or new considerations that present special opportunities for error. Minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) is a technology that exemplifies this point.
Read MoreThe Reality Business
Not long ago, I had this thought: I wondered whether we might need a different term to describe the work we do. In a column such as this, I thought I might propose an alternative.
Read MoreThe Real Cost Of Runout
A seemingly small amount of runout can still be too large for the tool. Reduce this runout, and tool life or productivity may dramatically increase.
Read MoreCut Faster To Save Energy Cost
High speed machining and other control-related technologies offer real potential for reduced energy costs.
Read MoreSucceeding Beyond A Specialty
This shop watched its chosen niche become less profitable. Its response was a dramatic investment in new equipment, along with an information-related change that has made all of the shop’s equipment more cost-effective.
Read MoreWe’re All In This Together
Company culture is real. It has a definite effect on the success of a business.
Read MoreA Two-Speed Approach To Plunge Roughing
In plunge roughing, the strategy is in the stepover. Here is a plunge roughing strategy that has worked well for Boeing researchers.
Read MoreThinking Big
This shop specifies large machine tools for the machining possibilities of the future. To prepare for the feed rates the shop expects to use one day, the latest large gantry mills apply linear motors on all three linear axes.
Read MoreDoom, Gloom And The Repercussions
For a phrase that just drips with dread and gloominess, try “U. S.
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