Steven Kline, Jr. Chief Data Officer
January Income Down, Spending Up – What Gives?
So, if income, a leading indicator for spending (see the third chart), is still falling how can spending be going up?
Read MoreFebruary MBI at 52.5 – Growth Slows Significantly
With a reading of 52.5, the MBI signaled that the pace of growth in the metalworking industry slowed considerably in February.
Read MoreJan. 2010 Industrial Production
The Federal Reserve has released its data for January 2010 industrial production.
Read MoreJan. 2010 Housing Permits
Housing permits are a key leading indictor for construction machinery industrial production.
Read MoreJan. 2010 Housing Permits Up 8.5%
Housing permits are a key leading indictor for construction machinery industrial production. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, housing permits in January 2010 were 39,400, an increase of 8.5% compared to January 2009.
Read MoreNov. 2009 Air Transport Data
The U.S. Department of Transportation has released its data on air transportation for November 2009. The key metric that I focus on in this release is system revenue passenger miles (SRPM). I focus on SRPM because it is a good leading indicator for aerospace industrial production.
Read MoreEconomics in One Lesson
Okay…so I can’t teach you economics in one lesson, but the title of this blog post just happens to be the title of one of my favorite books. “Economics in One Lesson” was written by Henry Hazlitt in the mid 1940s.
Read MoreJuly MBI Virtually Unchanged At 44.5
For the third month in a row, the MBI remained virtually unchanged, moving down to 44.5 from 44.7 in June. While new orders still contracted, they did so at a slower rate. Backlog levels were almost unchanged compared to June. Exports continued to grow at a robust pace. While supplier deliveries were still lengthen
Read MoreLooking To The Economic Future Of Your Business
Trends affecting other trends in available economic data can signal whether more or less activity is coming for your manufacturing business.
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