Guarding Against Cyberattack Is a Drain on Machining Capacity
The Colonial Pipeline shutdown was a warning about the dangers of malicious use of data networks. However, as the full value of Industry 4.0 becomes apparent, isolating CNC machine tools from networks will be seen as an increasingly costly way to protect manufacturing from threats.
Read MoreBalancing MfAM and DfAM for Metal Additive Manufacturing
For viable metal AM, users must balance design for additive manufacturing (DfAM), modifying for additive manufacturing (MfAM) and cost per kilogram.
Read MorePreparing SQC For Machinists and Future Requirements
The current complexity of machines means machinists are already busy — assigning them new, expanded SQL duties (such as gage identification) will require gages and processes to prioritize accessibility.
Read MoreIs Wireless Data Collection a Cultural Choice?
Untethered digital inspection tools are easier to justify for those who are willing to hold themselves accountable and improve for improvement’s sake.
Read MoreChallenges Reveal Value and Vulnerability of Small Machine Shops
Small business ownership is conducive to the kind of oversight and commitment that serves machining well, but small business also relies on the support and commitment of enterprises around them.
Read MoreCalling Custom Macros Through Modal Commands
While G65 does not enable users to simply and easily carry out Custom Macros in multiple locations, G66 and G66.1 provide modal solutions for doing so.
Read MoreCybersecurity Process Maturity Demands a Plan
Plans may fail, but planning has intrinsic value for building sustainable, adaptable data defenses.
Read MorePlotting a Pathway to Profitable Additive Manufacturing
The cost per pound for a metal AM part may be shocking, but that knowledge is essential to plan a journey to success with Additive Manufacturing.
Read MoreHow to Successfully Transition from Dial Indicators to Digital
Digital indicators bring a wealth of benefits over dial indicators, but simply swapping one for the other can lead to problems in repeatability and process durability.
Read MoreJuggling Mismatches in Resolution and Least Input Increment
While CNC machining and turning systems of the past only had resolutions and least input increments equal to the displayed decimal places, new systems support more precise inputs.
Read MoreProperly Reading Dial Indicators
Dial indicators provide useful readings about tolerance ranges at a glance — but new users need to know how to set up these indicators before using them.
Read MoreIn the Supply Chain, Flexibility Equals Strength
Machining job shops offer lessons in supply chain resiliency. Also, goodbye and best wishes to a longtime teammate making a change.
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