Tips for Monitoring Spindle Loads and Cutting Stability
When it comes to utilizing the spindle’s power, there is a lot of headroom at the upper limits, provided it’s in short bursts. Be mindful of your time at these loads so you don’t stall out.
Read MoreUsing Air to Measure Squareness
Though most frequently used for diameter measurements, an air plug and platen can be readily configured to measure perpendicularity.
Read More4 Commonly Misapplied CNC Features
Misapplication of these important CNC features will result in wasted time, wasted or duplicated effort and/or wasted material.
Read MoreSustainability at IMTS and Beyond
As sustainability becomes more critical for domestic manufacturing, European and Asian companies are bringing this politicized topic to the American market.
Read MoreUnderstanding New Surface and Profile Standards
Standards for surface finishes and profiles are not static; they change as technology changes or new processes come along that need to be considered.
Read MoreA User-Created Canned Cycle for Porting Tools
FANUC’s version of parametric programming, Custom Macro, enables you to create your own canned cycles tailored to whatever the application requires.
Watch5 Tool Setting Techniques
Each tool setting technique has merit, and it depends on where you are as a shop and the type of work you do, as cost and efficiency all come into play.
Read MoreEncountering Surface Finishes in the Everyday World
Surface measurement is becoming increasingly important to ensure proper performance of a manufactured product. Advanced surface measurement tools are not only beneficial in the manufacturing industry but also have unconventional applications.
Read MoreHow One Machine Shop Adopted (and Defined) a Four-Day Work Week
In an industry facing perennial shortages of skilled labor, shop owners must leverage every competitive advantage at their disposal in their efforts to attract talent. One small shop in Bridgewater, Massachusetts is experimenting with a new staff schedule that the owners say is already reaping major benefits: a four-day work week.
Read More3 Considerations for Revising Design for Manufacturing Efforts
When revising part designs, investigate the 3D CAD, the 2D drawing and the part’s functional requirements to determine which details should be tightened up.
Read MoreCommunity, Machines and the Open Road: A Tribute to Barry Rogers
Machine tool industry stalwart and friend Barry Rogers will be remembered for his passion, kindness and community spirit. A reflection on Barry’s remarkable career and the impact he had on countless individuals.
Read MoreA Height Gage in a CMM’s Skin
Modern electronic height gages are computer-based, touchscreen-operated systems that enable automated measuring routines, error correction and multiple probe offsets, much like a CMM.
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