

Introducing MMS Direct

Starting with this issue, 91Ƶվ gives you a new way to continue your search for information about products and processes. It’s called MMS Direct.


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Starting with this issue, 91Ƶվ gives you a new way to continue your search for information about products and processes. It’s called MMS Direct. Here’s how it works.

Look for the MMS Direct symbol. When it appears in the magazine, it will be followed by a five-digit code. You’ll find the symbol and code in advertisements and in editorial items, usually at the bottom of the ad or at the end of the item. You can use this code at our Web site, www.mmsonline.com, by entering it in the MMS Direct box at the top of our home page. Click on “GO” and we’ll take you to the supplier’s online Showroom.

The Showroom gives you many options. The important thing is that exercising these options is always up to you. You can call up articles about the supplier or product. You can go to one of our related technology zones to learn more about the process or its applications. You can click through to the supplier’s own Web site. The Showroom also gives you useful contact information such as the supplier’s toll free number, fax line, mailing address and so on.

When and how you register your interest with the supplier is your decision. Showrooms are always neutral territory. If you are simply exploring new concepts, you can gather information privately at your own pace. If you are closer to making a buying decision, you can contact the supplier via the medium you select. For example, you can send e-mail right from the Showroom and it will be directed automatically to the supplier’s headquarters.

MMS Direct is more than the best way to jump into an online research mode when you’ve been reading the magazine. The MMS Direct logo will appear on our Web site, too, at all the places where the need to access a particular supplier’s information might arise. MMS Direct always routes you directly to the supplier’s Showroom.

You may notice that this issue has no reader service card. This card used to be the simplest, fastest and most convenient way to request information from suppliers. It was not, however, a very fast or convenient way to gather information. Getting a response often took weeks. Likewise, suppliers could not easily gage the seriousness of the inquirer. In recent years, toll-free calling, fax numbers and the Internet have been preferred over the card.

MMS Direct takes the next step. But don’t think of it as the latest alternative to mailing away for information. MMS Direct represents a new approach to accessing information about products and processes wherever you find it, in print or online. With MMS Direct, you’ll know more in less time—on your own terms.