
MTConnect Is Commitment

Moving to the Industrial Internet of Things is an urgent strategic goal, but on the shop floor, tactical deployments will require MTConnect-enabled systems. The [MC]2 Conference provides a battle plan.


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Manufacturing companies need to integrate machinery and equipment with network sensors and software. This is the essence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). However, achieving this objective becomes a practical matter of installing workable and effective systems where it counts—on the shop floor.

Because the [MC]2 Conference (April 19-21, in Dallas, Texas) covers the strategic and tactical issues related to the  IIoT, it is particularly valuable and timely. Currently, heady talk about the IIoT, the fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0 and other popular terms is getting a little too ethereal. The [MC]2 Conference, however, is well-grounded in its focus on MTConnect, the chief enabler of shopfloor/network connectivity. MTConnect is real, proven and well-established—not a theory or a proposal or a vision.

The most concise description of this important standard calls MTConnect a set of open, royalty-free standards that uses XML and Internet Protocol technology as a common communication link to publish machine data over networks. In the simplest terms, MTConnect translates the proprietary computer language of each machine into a common and simple Internet-based language that can be used by data-acquisition and machine-monitoring software applications.

MTConnect is also significant because it enables the main characteristics that are critical to systems compatible with the IIoT. These systems must incorporate open software architecture, open protocols and open data models. Otherwise, proprietary elements will hinder users and developers of applications for the IIoT.

I believe that manufacturing companies with CNC machines cannot be serious about implementing the IIoT without a commitment to MTConnect-enabled applications. This commitment must be shared by chief company officers, plant managers, manufacturing engineers and shop supervisors. I like the program of topics and speakers at the [MC]2 Conference because it appeals to all of these levels. The strategists and the tacticians will be equally inspired.

Here are five reasons I recommend attending this conference:

  1. Small and medium-sized companies will share their real-world success stories with
    MTConnect-enabled implementations.

  2. Minimizing threats to the security of networks, equipment and information will be covered.

  3. Training and workforce development will be included as vital to the transition to the IIoT.

  4. It will put the importance of the networked, integrated factory in the larger context of national economic growth and stability.

  5. Technical workshops are available to attendees who welcome immersion in the inner workings of the standard and its development process.