Chips Source: ProShop ERP

6 Must-Do Strategies That the Most Successful Shops are Doing in 2024

June 18, 2024 |

You aim to be a leader in the precision manufacturing space. And as a leader in your organization, you juggle the management of many different tasks.

The truth is: without people like you, the country would not be able to function. Your role is indispensable. With so much on the line everyday, it can start to feel stressful. We get it - we’ve been in your shoes - and we know there is a better way.

With over 25 years of experience in the manufacturing world, ProShop has honed strategies that could have propelled its founders ahead if they had access to them when they started Pro CNC back in 1997.

Join ProShop as they delve into these game-changing strategies, crafted through years of hands-on experience and industry insight. This webinar isn't just about tips and tricks; it's about fostering a culture of continuous improvement, sharing knowledge and bringing the community together.

Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and elevate your precision manufacturing operations in 2024 and beyond. Join to lead — not follow—in shaping the future of the industry.


  • Brand development promoting what you’re good at
  • Getting all your data in one paperless system
  • Getting the certifications you need to reach new markets
  • Mastering machine shop finance the simple way
  • Building a cohesive team that gets it done
  • Optimizing shop floor management and productivity for revenue and profit
Presenter 1

Presenter 1:

Paul Van Metre

Co-founder, ProShop ERP

Paul is a cofounder of ProShop ERP, a web-based and paperless ERP/MES/QMS system specifically designed for the metalworking industry. They partner with shops who seek to push the edge of technology by going completely paperless, strengthening their ISO or AS9100 systems, combining all their shop software into one system, and building robust business processes to achieve high rates of growth, profitability and performance.

Presenter 2

Presenter 2:

Kelsey Heikoop

Co-Founder, ProShop ERP

Kelsey is a cofounder at ProShop, a revolutionary web based and paperless ERP/MES/QMS system specifically designed for the metalworking industry. They partner with shops who seek to push the edge of technology by going completely paperless, strengthen their ISO or AS9100 systems, combine all their shop software into one system and build robust business processes to achieve high rates of growth, profitability and performance.

Kelsey holds a BS in Industrial Technology - Vehicle Design and founded a precision aerospace machine shop directly out of college in 1997 using the concept of a “Franchise Prototype”. The company quickly realized that current ERP systems on the market were inadequate for machine shops and started developing ProShop a Digital Manufacturing Ecosystem (DME). After growing the company to 75 employees and over $11M in revenue, Kelsey and his partners sold the company in 2014 to focus on bringing ProShop to the metalworking industry.

All content on this page is provided by the presenting company.