Interoperability for Feedback Loops from Dimensional Metrology in Digital Manufacturing

October 11, 2017 |

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Interoperability in feedback loops is a problem within the digital thread and an underserved aspect of the standards community and R&D initiatives. While downstream information data flows have received attention, this presentation highlights potential opportunities for interoperability standards, such as Quality Information Framework (QIF), to provide a transport mechanism for cases in digital manufacturing requiring feedback loops. 

We will contrast state-of-the-art downstream digital data flows to the various feedback loops possible with a focus on dimensional metrology results and statistical analysis as a data source. In addition, this presentation will describe the potential for adaptive sampling and key characteristic management. 

Primary Topics: 
• The evolution of quality data standards sponsored by NIST over the past decade. 
• How ANSI QIF v2.1 is used in manufacturing. 
• How persistent identifiers add to the value stream. 
• Cutting-edge research in smart manufacturing. 

Presenter: Robert Brown 
Robert Brown, VP Operations, Mitutoyo America Corporation, received a BS in Physics at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and an MBA from the Northern Illinois University. He has 20 years of experience in metrology and manufacturing, specializing in data acquisition, management, and analysis application development and deployment. Current responsibilities include overseeing software research and development for Mitutoyo MeasurLink and directing logistics and business information system activities at Mitutoyo America Corporation.

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