BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// 2.1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:General DESCRIPTION:Critical Cleaning Hands-on Workshop\n\nDo it\; learn it!\n\nTh e one-day workshop teaches how cleaning and cleanliness testing work. By participating in hands-on exercises of techniques for cleaning and cleanl iness verification\, attendees gain the understanding and knowledge to ma ke practical\, effective\, and sustainable manufacturing decisions. While exercises are supplemented by demonstrations and tutorials\, the worksho p is not death by PowerPoint! Topics include aqueous\, solvent\, and &ldq uo\;non-chemical&rdquo\; cleaning\, including cleaning chemicals and clea ning processes (spray\, ultrasonics\, cyclic nucleation\, in-line\, batch ).\n\nMost manufactured product and product contact surfaces require clea ning during (and sometimes after) manufacture and assembly. Examples of areas where effective cleaning is essential include:\n\nmetal fabrication \, product assembly\, optics\, electronics\, microelectronics\, wafer fab \, medical devices\, aerospace/aeronautics\, military\, and additive manu facturing.\n\nWHAT DO YOU CALL CLEANING?\n\nThere are many different term s for cleaning.\n\n\n \n Cleaning\n \n \n Precision Cleaning\n \n \n Crit ical Cleaning\n \n \n Safety/Critical Cleaning\n \n \n Surface Prep for F inishing\n \n \n Technical Cleanliness\n \n \n Residue Removal\n \n\n\nWH O WILL BENEFIT FROM THE WORKSHOP\n\nIf you or your company fabricates\, f inishes\, maintains or repairs product or product contact surfaces (like reaction vessels)\, this workshop is time well-spent. If you sell chemica ls or cleaning equipment\, this workshop will help you better understand and optimize the market for your products.\n\nExamples include:\n\n\n \n Manufacturing Engineers\n \n \n Product Designers\n \n \n Managers\n \n \ n Sales and Marketing Managers\n \n \n Facilities Personnel\n \n \n Assem blers\, operators\n \n \n Process Technicians\n \n \n Quality Control Per sonnel\n \n \n Regulatory Affairs Experts (industry\, military\, and gove rnment)\n \n \n Safety/environmental professionals​\n \n\n\n​\n\nParticip ants will receive a PDF Certificate of Completion with continuing educati on credits from Sam Houston State University.\n DTEND;TZID=America/New_York;VALUE=DATE:20250403 DTSTAMP:20250308T202753 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York;VALUE=DATE:20250402 LOCATION:Huntington Convention Center\, Cleveland\, OH\, 44114 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Parts Cleaning Workshop UID:04a3912b-af00-41e4-aa99-9681b1998254 URL:/events/details/04a3912b-af00-41e4-aa99-9681b 1998254 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR