Gibbs Donates Software To University
Gibbs and Associates, a Cimatron company and the developer of GibbsCAM software for programming CNC machines, has granted the Clemson University Campbell Graduate Engineering Center 50 seats of its software for use in undergraduate and post-graduate mechanical and automotive engineering research and curricula. The software will be used for advanced CNC machining simulation and analysis at both the campus and the university’s International Center for Automtoive Research (CU-ICAR).

Gibbs and Associates, a Cimatron company and the developer of GibbsCAM software for programming CNC machines, has granted the Clemson University Campbell Graduate Engineering Center 50 seats of its software for use in undergraduate and post-graduate mechanical and automotive engineering research and curricula.
The software will be used for advanced CNC machining simulation and analysis at both the campus and the university’s International Center for Automtoive Research (CU-ICAR). Valued at more than $550,000, the software includes three-axis, rotary and five-axis milling; multi-task machining; lathe turning; tombstone management; machine tool simulation; postprocessors; CAD-specific translators; and software maintenance.
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