
Haimer and SGS Tool Form Licensing Agreement

SGS now offers its round end mills with Haimer’s Safe-Lock anti-pullout system.


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SGS Tool Co. (Munroe Falls, Ohio) and Haimer GmbH (Hollenbach, Germany) have signed a licensing agreement that enables SGS to offer its round end mill cutting tools with Haimer’s Safe-Lock System. The Safe-Lock cutting tool and toolholder design combines shrink-fit clamping with a positive form locking mechanism to prevent round tools from rotating or pulling out of toolholders during heavy machining.

SGS’s variable-helix end mills such as the Z-Carb line are designed for high metal removal rates,but aggressive machining opens the tool to the possibility of pullout. Company research to solve this problem along with customer feedback led SGS to partner with Haimer.

Brendt Holden, president of Haimer USA says, “We are very pleased to have entered into this agreement with a company the caliber of SGS,” indicating that the two products naturally complement each other. “I am confident that the loyal SGS customer base will welcome this technology as a resource to be used to greatly increase their productivity on the shop floor.”