
Heidenhain Announces First North American Authorized Training Partner

Students and industry stakeholders can access and train on CNC systems and manufacturing equipment provided through Heidenhain’s first authorized training partner (ATP) in North America: the Advanced Manufacturing Center at the Community College of Denver.


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The Community College of Denver’s (CCD's) Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC) has become the first Heidenhain authorized training partner (ATP) focusing on the company’s CNC systems in North America. Students and industry stakeholders alike will be able to access and train on the latest, state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment through the site.

CCD staff completed several rounds of advanced training on the five-axis Heidenhain TNC machine controls and successfully passed an extensive exam in order to become a Heidenhain ATP.

“It is exciting to see what can now be done just by knowing what buttons to push on these conversational and effective Heidenhain controls,” says Matthew Sweeney, AMC director. “We are just scratching the surface of what these Heidenhain controllers can do. Even the most experienced machinist can benefit from these advanced capabilities.”

Heidenhain TNC Business Development Manager Gisbert Ledvon says, “Heidenhain has been in a relationship with CCD and their AMC since 2015, participating in multiple joint workshops held at CCD for five-axis machining covering theoretical and practical parts.” There are multiple Heidenhain TNC controls in operation at the AMC, and student classes are currently being offered there from basic to advanced control programming and training.

CCD is now listed online as one of Heidenhain’s global ATPs, and other North American institutions are invited to apply to the ATP program as well. The expanded Heidenhain ATP program is part of a larger North American TNC support initiative, the company says. The initiative includes increased control training at Heidenhain offices in Schaumburg, Illinois, an establishment of a controls application group, and a hotline for on-the-go technical support.

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