NIMS Expands Rules of Funding for Registered Apprenticeships
Sponsors may now apply for funding of new and expanding apprenticeship programs.

Through September 2017, the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) is now accepting applications from sponsors of new and expanding apprenticeship programs in the United States. A maximum of $50,000 per sponsor may be awarded with NIMS and U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) approval.
The funding program has expanded to include “new” programs, meaning any manufacturing apprenticeship program that plans to register with the USDOL or state DOL agency, or which registered since October 1, 2016; and “expanding” programs including any program currently registered with the USDOL or a state DOL agency, and will soon or has recently made significant program modifications. These modifications could be the addition of new occupations or changes to the delivery of related technical instruction (RTI).
Funding will be awarded to program sponsor organizations in order to offset program-related expenses, including program registration with the USDOL; design and startup costs; classroom or online education programs; on-the-job training costs, including wages; teacher training costs; training equipment; curricula development; and financial aid for apprentice transportation, childcare, tools and supplies.
Sponsors can apply for funding by uploading a commitment letter and application to NIMS. Applications must be submitted before September 1, 2017, with the knowledge that funds are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.
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