Philadelphia High School Establishes Advanced Manufacturing Program
Mastercam and speaker Andrew Crowe will present Benjamin Franklin High School with software, equipment and vision to establish an advanced manufacturing program.

Mastercam and Andrew Crowe, founder of the New American Manufacturing Renaissance, will present Benjamin Franklin High School with software, equipment and vision to establish an advanced manufacturing program. This donation will enable students to receive the advanced training required to enter the manufacturing field after graduating high school.
On February 27 at Benjamin Franklin High School, Andrew Crowe, often referred to as the leader of the New American Manufacturing Renaissance, will share his vision with students to connect them to the opportunities available in a career in advanced manufacturing. Mastercam will provide the school with Mastercam software, training resources and equipment to help the students develop advanced manufacturing skills they can use to build a successful future.
The estimates that 2.1 million jobs may go unfilled by 2030 due to a lack of skilled manufacturing workforce. Additionally, a career as a machinist in Philadelphia earns on average $52,000 annually (). The vision of Mr. Crowe and the resources provided by Mastercam will enable the students at Benjamin Franklin High School to fill this manufacturing skills gap in the years to come.
“Andrew Crowe will help the students understand the infinite number of opportunities to work as machinists, engineers, designers and more by learning to use the valuable tools now available at Benjamin Franklin High School,” says Laura Hood, chief administrative officer at Mastercam. “Helping Benjamin Franklin develop this advanced manufacturing program means we will help inspire the next generation of makers and innovators to seek a career in manufacturing.”
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