RobbJack Corporation Names New President
Over his 26 years at RobbJack, Michael MacArthur has developed a reputation for building relationships and providing innovative solutions to meet customer challenges.

, a premium rotary cutting tool company, has selected Michael MacArthur as its new president.
MacArthur is a 26-year veteran of RobbJack. During his tenure as sales manager, he developed a reputation for building relationships and providing innovative solutions to meet customer challenges in the machining of components for manufacturers and subcontractors alike. According to the company, MacArthur has a clear vision for RobbJack’s future and a unique knowledge of RobbJack and its products.
David Baker, former president and chairman of the board, commented, “The board of directors, who comprise the successor search team, believes that Mike’s vision for RobbJack, knowledge of the cutting tool industry and his ability to identify cutting tool opportunities make him the choice to provide the strongest path forward for our company.”
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