Service to Rebuild Tool Holders in North America
Index Corp. now offers a service to rebuild toolholders in North America.

Effective as of June 1, 2022, Index Corporation established a service department dedicated to rebuilding tool holders at its North American headquarters in Noblesville, Indiana. Previously, the company processed all similar rebuilds at its parent company in Germany. By bringing this capability to the United States, Index expects to cut lead times for rebuilds by 50 percent to 70 percent.
Photo Credit: Index Corp.
When Index rebuilds one of its tool holders, engineers fully disassemble the unit and inspect the housing and shafts. Any internal mechanical component demonstrating signs of wear is replaced, promoting the tool holder’s restoration to its original operating condition. Index offers this service for toolholders sold with any of its machines, including its production turning centers, turn mills, CNC multi-spindles and the Traub line of sliding-headstock lathes. Each rebuilt toolholder is backed by a 6-month warranty, Index reports.
“We are constantly looking for ways to more comprehensively meet our customers’ needs,” says Matt Voyles, director of customer support and operations at Index. “We’ve had a lot of customers tell us that they want the level of quality we provide when rebuilding a tool holder, but that they can’t wait the amount of time it takes to send their unit to Germany. The investment we’ve made in creating a U.S.-based tool holder rebuild department provides an immediate and clear benefit to customers.”
The engineers performing toolholder rebuilds are factory trained at Index’s global headquarters in Germany, and the process in the U.S. mirrors Index’s longstanding procedures, according to the company. Manufacturers wishing to receive a quote for having a toolholder rebuilt can log into their iXshop account on Index’s website or submit a request via email.
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