Abrasive Waterjet Handles Large Stock
The 60120 JetMachining Center is the smallest of the company’s bridge-style waterjet machines.

The 60120 JetMachining Center is the smallest of the company’s bridge-style waterjet machines. With table size measuring 144" × 77 " (3,656 × 1,956 mm), it can accommodate larger stock. The machine features Intelli-Trax high-precision, traction-drive technology and an X-Y cutting travel measuring 126" × 62" (3,200 × 1,575 mm). Its EnduroMax pump is designed to increase operating life and processing speed while lowering operating costs and easing maintenance. The pump maximizes machine uptime with a 1,000-hour operating range between required pump rebuilds when run at 55,000 psi (3,800 bar). It can, however, run continuously at 60,000 psi (4,100 bar).
The machine also is equipped with the company’s Tilt-A-Jet system, which automatically calculates and offsets the machine’s cutting head to compensate for the natural taper that results from the abrasive jet stream. The result is virtually zero taper at cut edges, the company says.
Also available is the company’s Maxiem 1515 JetCutting Center, which features a 40-hp (30-kW) pump and the company’s A-Jet multi-axis accessory. The machine features a 50,000 psi (3,450 bar) direct drive, a 40-hp (30-kW) pump and X-Y travels measuring 62" × 62" (1,575 × 1,575 mm). The 92" × 69" (2,337 × 1,752 mm) table supports a maximum material load as heavy as 250 lbs/ft2 (91,221 kg/m2).
The articulated jet positions within ±6 arc minutes (±0.09 degrees), and the additional two motion axes enable the machine nozzle to tilt from the vertical position from 0 to 60 degrees. It can also cut countersunk holes and parts with complex geometries. With a fixed focal point design, the X, Y and Z axes do not need to be moved as the head tilts.
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