
Acu-Rite's DRO300 Can Now Control Sinker EDMs

Heidenhain’s Acu-Rite brand has introduced software for its 300-series digital readout (DRO) that now allows users to control a sinker EDM machine.


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Heidenhain Acu-Rite DRO300

Heidenhain’s Acu-Rite brand has introduced software for its 300-series digital readout (DRO) that now allows users to control a sinker EDM machine. This development broadens the DRO’s use to include most common manual shop machines including mills, lathes, grinders and EDMs.

When the EDM software is loaded into a DRO300 and coupled with an IOB 610 interface box, it enables control through the use of three relay signals. This software is now included on all new multi-purpose DRO300s. For those who already own an Acu-Rite DRO300, v1.3.1 can be downloaded for free on acu-rite.com.

Some key features of the EDM control software include:

  • Automatic depth programming, which enables the EDM’s ram to be configured to automatically retract or dwell at the target depth;
  • Dwell cycle, wherein the relay holds the Z-axis depth until spark-out occurs;
  • Reverse fault detection, which prevents creep out of the bath during a burn cycle; and 
  • EDM display mode, showing the current ram depth, the maximum depth reached and the target depth simultaneously on the three-axis displays.

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