Additive System Designed for Serialized Production
PMTS 2017: Designed and engineered with serialized production in mind, the RenAM 500M additive manufacturing system builds complex metallic components directly from CAD using metal powder bed fusion technology.

Renishaw additive manufacturing system brings additive production of metal components to the shop floor. New file preparation software allows for tighter integration into the machine control for quick, accurate review of build files.
Designed and engineered with serialized production in mind, the RenAM 500M additive manufacturing system builds complex metallic components directly from CAD using metal powder bed fusion technology. The additive manufacturing system is first in a family of products based around Renishaw’s optical systems and control technology and offers unparalleled engineering with efficient, ergonomic design and safety features, as well as intuitive and automated capabilities. It is especially useful for industrial production application, and each system can be dedicated to a single material type for a lights-out manufacturing environment.
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