
Angle Encoders Integrate Safety Components

Heidenhain offers a version of its RCN series absolute angle encoders with built-in functional safety components that enable machine shut-off in case of a malfunction.


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Heidenhain offers a version of its RCN series absolute angle encoders with built-in functional safety components that enable machine shut-off in case of a malfunction. The safety components are included with the RCN 2000, 5000 and 8000 encoders with EnDat 2.2 and Drive CliQ interfaces.

The encoders generate two independent absolute position values and error bits for evaluation in a safe control. An additional mounting feature on the rotor helps to ensure a secure connection between the shaft and the encoder during operation. According to Heidenhain, the series of angle encoders offers greater mounting tolerances and optimized scanning. Integral bearing and hollow shafts enable improved accuracy, reliable position and speed control on rotary tables, tilting axes and direct drives. A variety of hollow shaft diameters are available. The encoders also are equipped with valuation electronics with diagnostic functions and plugin cables with a quick disconnect.

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