ATI Now Offering CRX-Ready End-Effector Kits
ATI Industrial Automation has introduced CRX-ready end-effector kits, which increase the versatility of ATI’s end-effectors for FANUC CRX cobots.

ATI Industrial Automation has developed CRX-ready end-effector kits for FANUC CRX cobot users. These kits are all-in-one packages that increase the flexibility of collaborative robotic automation, with options for automatic tool changing, force sensing and material removal. The kits simplify implementation and execution of tasks such as assembly, machine tending, part inspection, surface preparation and others.
In addition to the end-effector, ATI’s kits feature the hardware and software required for system connection. Within the teach pendant are controls to program the equipment and simplify complex tasks — users can also adjust programming to repurpose ATI end-effectors for future applications.
ATI’s CRX-ready kits are currently available for the QC-7 Robotic Tool Changer, ATI’s highly configurable standard robotic tool changing and storage solution; ATI’s MC-10 Manual Tool Changer, which features a patented locking mechanism and an ergonomic design that includes tactile click as well as a visual indicator of Lock/Unlock status; the AOV-10 Axially-Compliant Orbital Sander, which has built-in compliance to aid in surface preparation and finishing; and the Compliant Deburring Blade (CDB), a motorless deburring tool for operations such as edge deburring, chamfering, countersinking, scraping and deflashing on virtually any material; ATI’s RCV-250 Radially Compliant Deburring Tool, designed for the removal of flash and parting lines, as well as edge deburring from a variety of materials; and the Axia90 Force/Torque Sensor, a high-performance, low-cost sensor that measures all components of force and torque.
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