
Basic CNCs Are Aimed at Job Shop Users

 The Sinumerik 828D Basic T for turning and Basic M for milling are designed to enhance these machining operations in job shops.


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The Sinumerik 828D Basic T for turning and Basic M for milling are designed to enhance these machining operations in job shops. The Basic T addresses the needs of shopfloor turning machines. It combines CNC, PLC, operator panel and axis control for five axes and spindles, including live tooling. It enables milling and drilling operations on a turning machine, both for face and peripheral surfacing. In tandem with the new Sinamics S120 Combi drives package, this control does without the fans, hard disks and batteries of past CNC generations for more efficiency and minimal maintenance.


Likewise, the Sinumerik 828D Basic M is designed for use on milling machines. Even in complex moldmaking operations, mirror-smooth surfacing and reduced machining times are possible with this control, the company says. Best performance is achieved when this control is combined with the Sinamics S120 Combi drives package and Simotics feed and spindle motors because they provide superior axis and spindle dynamics within a broad speed range.


The Sinumerik Operate graphical user interface as well as ShopMill and ShopTurn programming software are offered for these CNCs. 


In addition, the company will introduce a shopfloor CNC engineered for the 230V, three-phase economy-priced market. It handles as many as three axes as well as spindle control for milling or turning applications. Offered as a package with Sinamics drives and Simotics motor solutions, this control will be demonstrated on a knee mill. It will be available for both OEM machine builders and in-the-field retrofitters.


Also on display will be the Sinumerick 840D sl universal CNC, Transline System Solution for automotive powertrain, Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) and Siemens Safety Integrated services, SinuTrain CNC training software, 1FK7 and 1FT7 high-inertia servomotors, the 1PH8 main spindle motor, linear motors and direct-drive torque motors.


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