CAD/CAM Software Optimizes Roughing with High-Feed Cutters
Open Mind has released version 2018.1 of its HyperMill CAD/CAM software suite

Open Mind has released version 2018.1 of its HyperMill CAD/CAM software suite. New functions include soft overlap blending enhancements, 3D optimized roughing for high-feed cutters and the CAM-oriented global fitting CAD function. It also includes process-optimized functions for electrode manufacturing and a virtual machining simulation.
The optimized 3D roughing processes for machining with high-feed cutters calculate the stepover distance from the scallop height measured against the cutter geometry. A special toolpath movement removes rest material from corners when lateral infeed is very high, and intelligent cut division and optimized toolpaths provide greater process safety for remaining thin ridges.
The new soft overlap function reduces machining marks at transitions between steep and flat areas or at the extents of rest machining regions. The milling tool is briefly lifted to blend the milling paths, preventing visible transitions and improving surface quality.
The CAD module’s global fitting function saves time by creating a single, cohesive face from a set of multiple faces. Many CAM strategies can then follow the ISO U-V orientation of the surface patch, increasing the application of these CAM strategies.
HyperCAD-S Electrode automates the construction and manufacturing of die-sinking electrodes. Users can derive electrodes from the face to be die-sunk within the component geometry without specialist expertise. The enhanced module includes a rotational electrode function, which facilitates the circular placement of multiple electrode geometries with different spark gaps on a holder, saving time during milling and eroding. Integrating interfaces with the Certa Systems Job Manager establishes continuity in the electrode process.
The Virtual Machining simulation module creates a virtual rendering of the machine based on NC data. The bidirectional communication link between the machine control and the virtual machining center improves process control and optimization.
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